Friday, April 12, 2013

Feel Like Life is Passing You By? See What You Can Do to Change That!

I know we all have our ups and downs in life, but sometimes we seem to get "stuck"....We look around our lives, our jobs, our health, our age...whatever it is...We take that silent pause and wonder, "Is that all there is? Am I headed in the right direction? Am I reaching my goals? Am I happy?" Well, it's not only normal to have these pauses in our lives, it's healthy. Every now and again, it's good to ask ourselves those tough questions to see where we can make improvements, or maybe even to recognize that it's all exactly where you want it to be, and all is right with the world! But what happens if you get the opposite effect? You feel unaccomplished, unimportant, and have not even begun to start fulfilling your goals and dreams? Well, here is the good news! *Not to sound trite, however, every minute is a fresh new page. Every day can be a new fact, you don't have to wait until tomorrow...start right now! It's true! There is one caveat, however, and that is to get somewhere, you have to have an idea of "WHERE" is. But hold on... There is more good news! You don't have to know exactly where "WHERE" is at all...all you have to have is an idea, and an open mind. Do you know that research shows that almost 90% of all people who "fail" at an attempted new thing "fail" because they give up right before they were about to turn the corner? So, before you decide that it's all been a frustrating exercise in futility, ask yourself this: 1. Do you now know more about life and how to handle the ups and downs of it than you did 10 years ago? 2. Are you relatively comfortable? 3. Have you learned new things? 4. Have you made tough choices? (You get the idea). These may seem small and insignificant, but they are not..they are bench marks in the growth chart of your life. They may not be exciting, but they are tell tale signs of healthy growth. "Well, that's all well and good you say, but how does this help me?". Recognizing the small details in our lives gives us hope, and let's face it, you can't go very far without hope. So, how do we make those "real" changes? Start a business, change jobs, move to another state, write a novel? Well, the first few steps may sound the simplest, but for many, they may be the hardest...In order to make change, you have to desire it. Simple, right? Well, maybe not. Many people talk themselves out of their desire seconds after it enters their head. Why? DOUBT. So, the very first step is to know your desire, and BELIEVE that it can be obtained. Many people do not know that the brain doesn't tell us what to do or think...we actually tell our brain what to do by feeding it data, and the brain behaves accordingly...So, step #1 is to think of your desire and stop doubt it in tracks by taking some time to see yourself there...feel it, enjoy it! Picture it exactly as you want it to be. Make a plan for how you will start. Take action. It doesn't have to be a big fact, a small step usually works much better...i.e. Writing your goal down. Write down thoughts about how you will achieve this goal. (Don't cross anything out no matter how silly it may seem), and one idea about what you need to put in place to start. Maybe you need to do some research? Maybe you need to make a call, or several calls...just do something. The actual DOING helps to feed you with positive input and gives you that sense of "CAN DO"! * This is to be continued...more to come on start up businesses and great ways to add some interest to your life!

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