Thursday, January 24, 2013

COMIC and RECORD Convention Info

Hi, all! Well I know it's the dead of winter, but convention season will soon be starting. There are conventions of nearly every kind going on all over, but as Spring approaches, it will soon blossom into full blown convention season~
For those of you looking for shows, we have several shows listed on our website under the "LINKS" tab. We post these banner ads for free, and we also try to promote shows as often as possible through other media venues such as Twitter and Facebook...for FREE as well! There are also great links available online such as and several others.
However, if you ARE a show promoter of a comic, pulp, vinyl record, postcard or nearly any other type of collectible show, you may want to inquire about our FREE show promotion package. We do a lot to help promote your show, and the fantastic new is that the basic promo package is entirely free! Yes, I did say FREE and we mean it. All you need to do is send us an email or call 800-767-2247 and find out how!
We hope to have a great season this year, and we hope you will keep checking onto our blog to see new and updated info! Thanks, and HAPPY

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