The Art of Art and how to protect it
Argh! Ever write a blog and then it disappears?
Anyway, what I PREVIOUSLY wrote was about art…art is can take you places, transport you into another time, place and even dimension. Not all art is good, but all art is a creation…a symphony of dreams and statements and thought provoking illustrations, brush sweeps and details of someone emoting…
That’s cool. Art can be like great literature…tell a story in a painting. Art can make you happy, mad, confused, sad and even a little crazy. But that is part of of the beauty of art! I envy those who can draw. I truly do. I try to allow my hand to take me where my thoughts are going but all I get are scribbles of something of a “wanna-be”. So, my hat is off to all of you who are fortunate enough and blessed enough to have the talent take us places, move us inspire us and change and even tranform us. THANK YOU.
Bags Unlimited has lots of product info to help you understand what products are best used to protect your art…whether you supply or buy, it’s important to protect art in acid free products. You can read more about this at
Stop in any time!
Marion CAN draw, but I cannot. Laura